Needle Felted Bunny and Carrot Sweater Guard Clips - product images  of
Needle Felted Bunny and Carrot Sweater Guard Clips - product images  of
Needle Felted Bunny and Carrot Sweater Guard Clips - product images  of
Needle Felted Bunny and Carrot Sweater Guard Clips - product images  of
Needle Felted Bunny and Carrot Sweater Guard Clips - product images  of

Needle Felted Bunny and Carrot Sweater Guard Clips

$30 USD
Adorable sweater guard clips with a white bunny on one side and a carrot on the other side.

The length of the chain is 4 inches (10 cm). If you need it longer or shorter, please contact me to have it custom made.

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