Skeleton Cameo Necklace with Red Rhinestones - product images  of
Skeleton Cameo Necklace with Red Rhinestones - product images  of
Skeleton Cameo Necklace with Red Rhinestones - product images  of
Skeleton Cameo Necklace with Red Rhinestones - product images  of
Skeleton Cameo Necklace with Red Rhinestones - product images  of
Skeleton Cameo Necklace with Red Rhinestones - product images  of
Skeleton Cameo Necklace with Red Rhinestones - product images  of

Skeleton Cameo Necklace with Red Rhinestones

$16 USD
Creepy black and red skeleton cameo necklace with tiny red rhinestones on the border of the metal setting.

Size of the pendant (excluding the bail) is 1 7/8 inches height and 1 1/4 inches width (4.8cm height x 3.2cm width).

Skeleton Cameo Necklace with Red Rhinestones listed in:

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